Media Recap

Media Studies Class Recap July 26th 2022

Today in Media class we focused more on theory. Firstly we learned about the difference of a Narrative and a Plot. A Narrative is essentially how the story is told and the Plot is what it is like the main event points. After that we learned about the different Narrative Theories such as Todorov's, Levi Strauss', and Barthes' theory. However we only learnt about Todorov's and Strauss' theory. Todorov's theory says that the narratives move forward in a chronological order with one action following another (beginning, middle, and end). On the other hand, Strauss' theory suggests that the narratives have Binary Opposites. This means that there are a pair of related term / concepts that are opposite in meaning such as Good vs Evil or Strong vs Weak. We also watched an episode from the series called 'Friends' and had to figure out the beginning, middle, and end. While watching 'Friends' we also found out that there are several sub plot points that don't really affect the main flow of the story.


Todorov's Theory: 

  • Equilibrium
  • Disruption 
  • Recognition of disruption
  • Repair 
  • New equilibrium
Levi Strauss' Theory:

Binary opposites such as Good vs Evil, Strong vs Weak, and Rich vs Poor.


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