Todorov's Theory - Beauty and the Beast

Tzvetan Todorov's Theory of Narrative talks about how the narration in a story is created. He mentions that the story moves in a chronological order and is made up of 5 stages. These stages are:

  • Equilibrium - Balance
  • Disruption - Problem
  • Recognition of disruption
  • Attempt to repair
  • New equilibrium

Case study - Beauty and the Beast


There was once a prince who lived in a shining castle with the power of control, he was boiled, selfish, and unkind. He had everything his heart desired. 


One winters night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her appearance, the prince turned the old woman away. The old woman turns into an enchantress, puts a curse on him, turns him into a hideous beast and puts a spell on the castle. He had a rose given by the enchantress that would bloom until his 24th year, if he fails to break the spell by earning someone's love, he would be doomed to be a beast for all eternity.


The prince, now a beast, realized that there would never be a person to break the spell as he thinks that no one would love such a beast. He then becomes depressed with his self image, falls into despair, and locks himself away in the castle.

Attempt to repair

One day a poor lady visits the castle in order to save her father and unfortunately meets the beast. The beast then made a deal with her for her to take the place of her father and proceeds to imprison her instead. Time passes by and the beast gets used to her being in the castle and falls in love with her. The household items were optimistic about the girl and thought that she might be able to break the curse. After the romantic evening, the girl wanted to see her father again being kept prisoner for a long time so the beast lends her the magic mirror in order to see her father. Out of love, the beast tells her that she is no longer prisoner and lets her go. After that the local villagers came to the castle in order to kill the beast. After a fight with Gaston the beast was badly wounded and was in a near death state. Belle in tears, whispers that she loves him which then breaks the spell. 

New equilibrium

The beast is reverted back into his human form, the castle becomes beautiful again, the enchanted household items also turn back to humans. Belle and the prince dance in the ballroom and they live happily ever after. 


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