Theory of Stardom - Tom Cruise

This is a case study discussing about the Theory of Stardom. I have chosen the Star actor 'Tom cruise' for this case study.

What is the difference between a celebrity and a star?

A celebrity is a person that is famous or well known in a local social group or a niche audience. A star on the other hand is a person that is famous in a global audience.


Tom Cruise - American Actor

REEL persona

Movie Actor, Producer

REAL persona

Interviews, TV commercials, talk shows, newspaper articles

Love - We are fascinated with the love lives of the stars, can also feel a romantic affiliation with them. 

Cruise has been married to actresses Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes. 

Ordinariness - We like to see them doing routine things, living normal lives just like our own. 

Tom cruise can be seen to be buying groceries together with his family. This shows the audience that even star actors can live normal lives and do many ordinary things much like ours.

Success - We like the idea of overnight success, and failure before success. This appeals to our sense of fair play. (Why we like reality TV so much)

Tom cruise made his breakthrough with leading roles in the comedy film Risky Business (1983) and action film Top Gun (1986)

Consumption - We are fascinated by the huge material wealth brought by media success. Not just luxury homes and cars, but also strict dietary regimes set by expensive nutritionists, holidays etc. 

We can see that Tom cruise is very rich and spends his money on expensive things only higher class people will be able to get. This can be seen in the picture below where he is shown to be going out of his luxurious sports car. Not only that, Tom cruise also follows a diet that is set by experts in order to keep him in shape.

Dream turned Sour (downfall) - The one thing we enjoy more than building up a celebrity is tearing one down. We like to exploit their misery.

One of the most iconic moments in his career is his couch jump in The Oprah Winfrey Show. Cruise is shown to be jumping up and down a couch acting like a 'child'. Although at the time it was clearly loved by the live audience, but after sometime later with further inspection, the public audience began to think differently of him after the incident. 



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