COMP 3 - Brief


Component 3: Advanced Portfolio

This is a coursework component, internally assessed and externally moderated, 50 marks.

Candidates build on the skills developed in Component 1 to engage with contemporary media technologies. They produce a media campaign through a combination of three media (video, print and official social media page), selecting from a choice of set briefs. Candidates will record the process of the planning, research and production of their work online in a blog format. Each candidate must also write a critical reflection, responding to four compulsory questions. The final products and the critical reflection will also be presented on their blog.

The work may be undertaken individually or by a group (maximum group size is four candidates). Candidates must present the evidence for assessment individually, whether they have worked in a group or individually. Centres must assess candidates on an individual basis. Each candidate’s blog should clearly indicate the candidate’s own role in any group activity to allow the teacher to assess the contribution of each individual within the group.

This component assesses the following Assessment Objectives:

AO2: Analyse media products, and evaluate their own work, by applying knowledge and understanding of theoretical and creative approaches, supported with relevant textual evidence.
AO3: Research, plan and construct critically informed media products using appropriate technical and creative skills.


Set briefs

The set briefs each contain a major task and two associated minor tasks; candidates should spend approximately two thirds of their time on the major task, and one third on the minor tasks.

The set brief options are as follows:

Option 1: music promotion package
A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music video (major task), together with an official social media page for the band or artiste(s) and a digipak for the album’s release (minor tasks).

Tasks may be undertaken individually or as a group. There should be a maximum of four members to a group.

Images and video should be original material only. Sound should be predominantly original (dialogue and atmospheric sound), though music taken from an acknowledged source may be used as part of the soundtrack.


Each candidate must have an individual blog which is started at the beginning of the project, which will comprise the complete evidence for the moderator at the end of each project. Each blog should contain:

• the process of research, planning and production
• any refinement, changes or edits made, and reflections on key moments
• all individual contributions to any task undertaken as a group
• evidence of any preliminary exercises
• the final finished product, clearly labelled
• the critical reflection (see below), clearly labelled.

Some production elements such as storyboards may be shared by all members of a group. Collaborators who worked with the candidate on research, planning and/or production must be listed on the Individual Candidate Record Card under ‘other group members’. Centres should select dedicated blogging applications which allow posts to be read chronologically, with appropriate capabilities to embed other applications.


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