TikTok Case Study


Media Regulation - TikTok

The Chinese version of the popular video sharing app called TikTok as we know it is called Douyin. It was released in 2016 and is owned by ByteDance. According to statistics, Douyin has about 500 million daily users. On the other hand, TikTok was released to the US in 2018 and has 1 billion daily users available in 40 different languages. 

When talking about media regulation, Douyin certainly has more regulations as compared to the global version known as TikTok. Chilren who are under the ag of 14 has less freedom when accessing the app. From the range of 10pm to 6am, the app is locked and they only have 40 minutes a day to watch videos in Douyin. Not only that, I would like to add the fact that the videos that are featured or shown to these children are all very good natured and aimed to promote education and productivity to these children. Promoted videos by the Douyin algorithm include science experiments, museum exhibits, patriotism and culture videos, education and PE lessons. 

On the other hand, TikTok has less to almost none of these regulations in order to protect the children. There is however a parental restriction setting which can be turned on, the application of this feature however is very lacking. In summary, the global version of Douyin called TikTok has no regulations in order to protect the children and audience which as a result influences their real life choices. 


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