Theory Revision


TheoryTheoristDefinition (60 words)Case Study (60 words)
Media ownership / regulationMedia regulation refers to the rules, laws, and policies that govern the production, distribution, and consumption of the media.
Cross Media ConvergenceCross media convergence refers to the merging of different forms of media in order to create a better experience for the audience.
New Media
Agenda Setting
CensorshipCensorship is the restriction or suppression of media content due to it failing the media regulation. This can be motivated by the desire to control information and to protect certain values in society. 
US Law: Section 230The US Law Section 230 states that the media platform is not held responsible for the content that is published within it.
Technological Convergence
Hegemonic Groups
Moral PanicA moral panic happens when the media accompanied with the help of other social institutions create a widespread moral outrage or panic regarding a threat to social values and morals which causes public concern.
Post ModernismJean BaudrillardJean Baudrillard's theory of postmodernism states that everything is a copy of a copy and that reality is split into 3 parts. Reality as it is, heightened reality, and hyper reality. He also says that people want to live in the hyper reality rather than the reality we live in.
Post ColonialismThe post colonialism theory suggests that the white British people are more superior and are the ones in power as compared to the other. 

Post Modernism

Jean Baudrillard's theory of postmodernism suggests that everything is a copy of a copy. He also believes that there are three different realities. The reality we live in, heightened reality, and hyper reality. Heightened reality is a reality which has been enhanced with the help of camera angles, movements, sounds, editing, and narration in order to upgrade the viewing experience of the audience. Hyper reality on the other hand is a reality in which the audience would find it difficult to tell what is the truth and what is fake. An example of this would be the reality show called The Kardashians (2022) where the show showcases people in scenarios and situations that are hard to discern from reality. There is also simulacra, which is essentially a reality that has never existed or no longer exists in this show. An example of this is how the Kardashians look good using makeup even when they have just woken up in the morning. Baudrillard also believes that the audience would prefer to live in this hyper reality rather than in real life. This is because people prefer to see celebrities and other role models do the things we normally do day to day. Richard Dyer's theory of Stardom supports this because in his theory he suggests that people are interested to see the celebrity or star's love life, ordinariness, success, consumption, and downfall.

Post Colonialism

The media condition the way we think. To what extent do you agree with this statement? [15]

Most if not all the media we look at today can alter our aspects of reality and condition the way we think and perceive the world around us. Paul Gilroy's theory of post colonialism suggests that the media is run by euro centric forces making white European men more in power and superior as compared to the people that has been once colonized known as the 'other'. This may come in the form of white men being shown as strong, independent, sophisticated, clean, polite while at the same time showing the 'other' people as the exact opposite meaning a negative way in order to make them seem weaker. Some forms of media however, have tried to subvert this and make light for the 'other'. An example of this is Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), this movie showcases a cast full of black people with only few exceptions of white people being side characters. 


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